PakiKush F3


Pakikush F3 (Tom Hill's X18 x Mriko's Yarkhun valley)
This double Pakistan IBL was made with the BLD focus and vigor branching.
Terpene range is very fruity but all with special Pakistan kush background that is like leather and meat. The X18 mothers had taste of fruity bubblegum and apple/pear.
The effect is mellowy, with some good relaxing of muscle. Many smokers feel it has a dreamy effect to it, that is not a total couchlock, but a very good smoke for sleeping.
Better for sleeping than for waking up.
85% Indica, 15% sativa
9/11 weeks flowering time
10 Seeds pr pack.
NB: A maximum of around 15% intersex can be found. (Coming Yarkhun landrace recessive genes that will be removed in the coming generations)

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