Turkish Landrace


Turkish Landrace from Underground Seeds, is a 100 % Indica, native of Turkey.
Grows with a classic Indica style with compact flowers, bushstyle growth, forming small bushes with fast flowering.
This Turkish Landrace needs no more than 7-8 weeks for flowering and even though yield is average, the amount of trichomes is great.
Like many of the landrace from that region of the world it is will suited for the extraction of resin.
Aromas are old school hashish, with floral, earthy and sweet smells are dominant.
Effects are relaxing for both body and mind.
Strain: Turkish Landrace
Strain Type: 100% indica from Turkey
Type: Regular seeds
Flowering times: 49-56 days
Yield: : Average
Bouquet: Old school hash
Effect: strong
Developed by: Cristalin USC (FR)

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