Lost Skunk F2


Lost Skunk F2

The original Lost Skunk line was created by Silas sometime in 2011, using a read deal cut of Exodus Cheese, dusted with a selected male of UGORG Blues bx2.
The results were powerfully aromatic plants – both while growing and in dried buddage.. Guaranteed to stink up your place with old school European dank.

This F2 cross was made with 3 females and 3 males to open up some variation within the line, while also preserving common characteristics of the primary cross. Expect dense, stinky buds that reek of perfume, lavender, truffle, blue cheese and berries.
Lots of double-serrated leaves adorning medium-short plants that finish in 8-9,5 weeks.

In staying with our commitment, Derg Corra Collective is releasing this F2 version as an opportunity for people to explore exceptional old school genetics from around the world.

10 Seeds pr pack.

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